WED/AUG 26/7pm
I was skimming through the batch of new 7"s of the week at eastside records when I decided to ask who was being played. I didn't notice who I was listening to but after strolling through the store for a couple of minutes each the poorly recorded 50's influenced garage rock tune became harder to get out of my head (regardless of the language barrier). At the time every band I decided to check out off In The Red was no disappointment, so when I was told that Davila 666 was being played on the overhead and there was no other copies left I knew I had to get my hands on a copy as soon as another came in. The month long wait was worth buying it at eastside as it soon became one of my favorite records to listen to in those months to come.
I would only assume that Davila doesn't have the luxury to visit the states that often (though on their second tour, being from Puerto Rico) so when I noticed their visit and tour listings I had to find out of
they were coming to Phoenix and if they were needing a date in town.
I'll make sure to put pictures up of the show, plus a review but dont miss your chance to get your grubby hands on vinyl and shirts at the show.
show starts at 7pm Saturday, September 26 w/ Cardiac Party, The Tightholes, Hot Skin, and The Chandails @ the trunkspace
"The band sings in Spanish, but banters in perfect -- better-than-Miami -- English. Strangely reminiscent of another Puerto Rican boy band from back in the day, the Davilas have the whole backup vocals thing down pat, though they [thankfully] omitted the spandex leggings for this show." - Miami NewTimes
"the powerful, funny, entertaining and energetic Davila 666 (who don't seem to know much English, or at least they choose not to speak it much from stage) are the ones who left the biggest impression" -
"Davila 666 is the gateway for me, the dirty portal in which I’m diving through on my way to the river of Puerto Rican garage." -
"As I stood there, watching the mayhem and interaction, the CLOSENESS of it all, I wished to be in Davila 666's position..Collective calls of "uno mas!" were met with an encore. The whole thing felt special" - Tremble Under Boom Lights (show review)
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